Friday, May 29, 2020

Rejection Review 7 Reasons For Not Getting the Job

Rejection Review 7 Reasons For Not Getting the Job You are one of those individuals who looks so good on paper that you almost always get that call for an interview. You are excited; you get your hair cut; you buy a new tie, shoes, or a new blouse and jacket. On the day of the interview, you begin to prep in plenty of time â€" you want to look professional and business-like â€" understated makeup and jewelry, a conservative business shirt, and a perfectly pressed sport or suit coat. As a final measure, you brush your teeth again and grab some breath mints, just in case. You arrive early and spend your wait time reading a magazine or newspaper, trying to look calm and interested in the content. Inside, you only have one thought â€" “Please let this go well!” But it doesn’t go well, and a few days letter you receive the rejection call or letter â€" again! The problem, you know, lies in that fateful interview, but you simply cannot figure out what you are doing wrong. You might want to some serious reflection as you read through this list of 7 reasons why you “bombed.” 1. Lack of research: You have not done any research on the company. Of course you may know that the job opportunity entails, but how much time have you spent reading about the company itself. Have you been on its website? Have your read what it says about itself? It’s always impressive when you can say something like, “I read that your sales reaches over $1 million last year. I am really excited about the prospect of joining a company that is really growing!” Even if your job is in the IT department, potential employers like to feel good about their successes â€" they’re only human! 2. Lack of substantive prep: Sure, you took care of the physical preparations. And if you’ve already been through several interviews in the same career field, you have a general idea of the questions you will be asked. If you’re not getting the offers, however, there could be something amiss in the substance of your answers or in the tone or style. You need to practice your answers in front of a mirror. How do you look when you give them? Are you looking yourself straight in the eye? Are you confident but not aggressive? Are you too soft or too loud? You need to have the content of your responses so ingrained that you are not “hemming and hawing,” that you are not stammering or looking for words, and yet do not appear like a robot who has memorized all the right words! 3. Coming on too strong: You may be naturally gregarious, but leave that part of your personality at home. Don’t dominate the conversation, and don’t talk a mile a minute! An overbearing personality is usually seen as a threat to teamwork and cooperation. 4. Coming on too weak: Neither can you be seen as unassertive and unable to have a strong opinion about something. You cannot come across as someone others will walk over or take advantage of or who will be fearful of voicing their ideas or thoughts! You’ve got to find that middle ground, and again, practicing your answers and your voice tone are really important. 5. Be a good listener: Managers and executives are usually emotionally invested in their companies. They like to speak to their accomplishments, to how the company has grown, to the great people they have on board. Many people come out of interviews thinking that most of the time was spent with the interviewer talking, not them. They are surprised, then, when they get the job offer! And here’s why they did: they sat up attentively and listened; they looked that person in the eye; they gave non-verbal cues that they were interested in what was being said â€" small nods, small smiles, and a tilt of the head to show interest. 6. Don’t be afraid to admit a weakness in a skill or knowledge: If you come on sounding like you are a master at everything the position entails, you will sound like a fraud or over-qualified for the position. If you are asked a question to which you do not know the answer, don’t try to “bluster” your way through it â€" you won’t look smart. Instead say, “You know, I don’t know the answer to that, but I am a quick study and I look forward to learning about that.” Now, yu look smart and honest! 7. When you’re asked if you have questions, don’t pull out a list: Know what questions you intend to ask in advance, and have them in your mind! And your questions should relate to the position, not your benefits, pay, or hours. Your interviewer will either give you these in writing or explain them to you. Ask questions like, “How will the IT department be expanding over the next several years?” Even if you are desperate for the job, the paycheck, and health insurance, don’t act like it! Your job now is to back over this list and carefully reflect on how you are conducting yourself during the interview process. You can probably find a few things you need to change before that next interview â€" get on it! Andy Preisler is an outreaching blogger at intended to share his extensive experience gained during his long educational path. His passion is writing and discovering new educational techniques. Please feel free to contact Andy via social media: Twitter.

Monday, May 25, 2020

3 Last Minute Brand Actions to Take Before 2014 - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

3 Last Minute Brand Actions to Take Before 2014 - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career As you sit back enjoying the holiday season, possibly deciding to scale back your work load for end of the year celebrations, remember that this is the perfect time of year to prepare for those New Year’s resolutions that may include acquiring a new position, clients or building yourself as an industry expert. While most people forgo working on their resolutions until the New Year, you should lay the groundwork now. Update your headshots. While your work security badge picture or your 1992 Glamour Shots portrait may seem sufficient, having a sharp, professional image to present on your social media profiles when employers/customers connect with you is a must. Optimizing your LinkedIn profile and beefing up the quality of your tweets in 2014 won’t matter much if contacts don’t take you seriously due to your profile pictures. Upload your contacts. Whatever your professional relationship goals are in 2014, you need to actually be connected to your ‘real world’ and business card contacts online or, at least, have their email addresses in your email account. One of my favorite resources is Throw all of your business cards into one of their virtually indestructible envelopes and within a few business days you’ll be able to download a file from Shoeboxed and upload your contacts into Outlook, Gmail, LinkedIn, etc. Google yourself. You can perform a simple Google search or use Google’s Me on the Web feature. Do you like what you see? Has your ‘evil name twin’ taken over the web results? If not, and you know the owner of the content, you may ask them to remove it. If it is a profile you created, it’s time to clean it up or deactivate your account. If the first two options do not work, you may want to take this opportunity to create social media profiles and blog posts with your name that can push those undesireable results down in search. has a free do-it-yourself option that can help you raise positive web search results in search engines, pushing the undesirable results further down. Whatever your business resolutions are in 2014, having negative information associated with your online brand is sure to throw a wrench in your plans when desired contacts google you. Cleaning up your brand now, at the end of 2013, will allow you to hit the ground running in 2014 with new job searches, networking and acquiring new clients!

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Holiday Gift Guide For Her - Classy Career Girl

The Holiday Gift Guide For Her Its that time of year again and theres always a reason to give a holiday gift, right? Whether its your  best friend, sister, mentor or co-worker, heres a list of ideas to help you out just in time for the holidays! Last years gift guide  featured some great ideas but we wanted to take it up a notch this year. What if you could give a gift that actually makes the recipient  think about you positively for the entire next year? What if you give a gift that allows you to have an easier conversation and get to know each other even better. Your gift can have a direct impact on your career success so it really is important to buy the right thing. Here’s a roundup of the 5  best holiday gift ideas for women: 1. Lipstick (Example: Tarte Cosmetics Amazonian Butter Lipstick) 2. Nail Polish (Example: CHANEL LE VERNIS Longwear Nail Colour) 3. Perfume (Example: Viktor Rolf Viktor Rolf Flowerbomb Eau Extreme Eau De Perfum Spray) 4. Travel kit (Example: Ashley Stewart Glitter Make-Up And Nail Travel Kit Gold) 5. Eye Shadow Palette (Example: Kat Von D Shade And Light eye shadow palette) 6. Sunglasses (Example: Alexander McQueen Cat-eye filigree-embellished acetate sunglasses) 7. Phone Casing (Example: Ochre Mandala Lace iPhone 7 Case) 8. Earrings (Example: Glittering pearl stud earrings) 9. Gloves (Example: Knit Gloves) 10. Necklace (Example: Cole Haan Linear Stone Necklace) 11. Watch (Example: Penelope Watch) 12. Scarf (Example: Vivienne Westwood Accessories Orb Tassel Scarf) 13. Lotion (Example: Bath and Body Works Lotion) 14. Scented candle (Example: Bath Body Works Candle) 15. Planner (Example: Lilly Pulitzer large notebook) 16. Mug (Example: Lettered Mug â€" Classy Fabulous) 17. Indoor Plants (Example: Modern Decorative Small White Square Ceramic Succulent Plant Pot w/ Bamboo Draining Tray) Whats your favorite gift to give a classy woman?

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why Job Hunting Just Became Easier (and Safer)! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Why Job Hunting Just Became Easier (and Safer)! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Yes, you read the headline correctly! Job hunting did in fact just become easierâ€"and safer! I know what you’re probably thinking . . .   Skip, have you completely lost your mind?! Don’t you know what’s been happening on Wall Street?! Don’t you read the bleak “jobs reports?!” Don’t you know there is  genuine fear that we could have a “double-dip” recession?! Are you aware that consumer confidence is at historic lows?! Don’t you know that the “sky” may actually be falling?! Yes, yes, I know all of that but I still stand by the headline:  Job hunting has become both easier and safer. I have two very good reasons for saying this: The field of job hunters has suddenlyâ€"and somewhat unexpectedly!â€"become smaller, i.e., fewer people are now looking for new jobs. Companies that are hiringâ€"and there are companies that are still hiring!â€"are genuinely serious about filling their positions, so there is far less risk today of new jobs  being “temporary” or short-lived. The thinning ranks of job hunters The job hunt has just become easier because of the reduction in the number of “competitors,” i.e., other job seekers, out there in today’s job market. (Again, you are probably thinking that I have lost it here, but please bear with me.) When most people (perhaps you included) think of the numbers of job seekers in today’s job market, they almost always focus on the figure of about 15 million, the “official” number of unemployed workers. In fact, until just recently, the more realistic figure to focus on was about 135 million! That’s because there are an estimated 120 million currently employed people whoâ€"again, until just recentlyâ€"have been saying, largely because of dissatisfaction with their current employers, that they are also ready to make a move and look for a new job. The chaotic events of recent months, though, have served to weaken the resolve of a significant portion of the currently employed who were contemplating new jobs. Here is the kind of thing we’re routinely hearing today from this segment of job seekers: “I think I need to just ‘hang in there’ for the time being.” “I don’t want to take the risk of leaving my current job, which is reasonably sound, for a new job that might last just a few months.” So, for the time being at least, with the exodusâ€"temporary though it may prove to beâ€"of a sizable segment of currently employed people from the job market, the ranks of job seekers have been substantially thinned. That means that for those job seekers who are bold enough, courageous enough, and who can effectively brand themselves as being among “the best of the best” job candidates, the job hunt just got a little bit easier! Think of it this way: Like Wall Street, when stock prices take a deep tumble, most people become fearful and “bail out!” Those who are somewhat bolder and possess the ability  to see “bargains” in significantly reduced prices of quality stocks, later are among those few who ultimately prosper! A new job today is a much safer bet The reason job hunting is safer today is because companies are far less prone to bring on a new hire unless they are absolutely certain that they really need that person. The lay-offs and downsizings of the past three years have now brought most companies down to a baseline in regard to staffing levels. And most companies today are taking the attitude that they would rather take the risk of having too few people than the cost risk of having even one too many people. So, when a company today states that they need to hire  someone, they generally really need to hire someone! Let me share some recent business experience in our executive recruiting firm to bolster this fact. As “headhunters,” our executive recruiting firm does have a somewhat clearer view into “the crystal ball” than is the case with the typical job hunter. Here is an anecdotal glimpse of what we’re now seeing just in our firm alone: In the last 60 days, only three of the 40+ positions we are currently working on have been put on hold.  Only one is due to the company wanting to take a “wait and see” attitude on the economy. The other two are on hold now due to a merger. We have already filled three positions this month and have just had an offer accepted on a fourth position. In the last two weeks alone we have received calls from companies asking us to work on eight new positions. What this all means, of course, is  that, if one takes a new job today, there is far less risk that the new job will turn out to be merely temporary or short-lived. It gets messy for companies to have to lay off newly hired people. It not only can hurt their brand and public image, it also can have a very negative impact on current employees, already fearful that the “axe” may soon fall on them too. So, when one accepts and starts a new position with a company today, more often than not, they can feel far more confident that the position will last (as long as they perform satisfactorily, of course), since most companies have already deeply and thoroughly assessed whether or not they actually need the position filled in the first place. Hiring still somewhat of a drawn out process Significant to note here, however, is that I am not saying companies that are hiring today are going to be filling their new positions quickly. Today, the hiring process is still rather elongated by historic standards, taking (from start to finish) about four to six months. Am I saying that getting a new position has all of a sudden become just a “breeze?” Of course not. But for those candidates who are savvy enough to recognize that a sudden,  somewhat unexpected, shifting of the job market landscape has in fact recently taken place, there are increased opportunities. But these increased opportunities still come with a cost. Only those candidates who have branded themselves as deserving to be among the elite group of candidates will be able to fully capitalize on these opportunities, and the time to “strike” is now, before this rather unexpected “window of opportunity” suddenly closes again! Author: Skip Freeman is the author of “Headhunter” Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . . . Forever! and is the President and Chief Executive Officer of The HTW Group (Hire to Win), an Atlanta, GA, Metropolitan Area Executive Search Firm. Specializing in the placement of sales, engineering, manufacturing and RD professionals, he has developed powerful techniques that help companies hire the best and help the best get hired.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

360 Degree Performance Review Identify the Halo and Horns Effect -

360 Degree Performance Review Identify the Halo and Horns Effect “To err is human” is a famous saying that many of us have come across at one point in our lives.While this is a comforting saying because it tells us that it’s okay to make mistakes once in a while, we should also constantly be trying to better ourselves and our work.evalThis is especially true for managers and those who are responsible for others. It is in these positions that personal biases can unfairly come into play even when they shouldn’t. These can be particularly detrimental during periods of performance reviews.Luckily these biases have been studied and there are now digital solutions such as Grapevine Evaluationsto create fair and accurate reports.1. Horns and HalosevalOne of the most common, and natural, biases that managers will experience has been termed the “horns and halo effect.”Essentially referring to a tendency to exaggerate an employee or job interviewee’s good or negative traits based solely on superficial first impressions.This is of course a natu ral process that everyone experiences, but when it comes to the work realm, it is important to move past these biases:HornsIf the first impression is negative, there is a tendency to overlook positive traits of the individual and only focus on the negative.The individual often has to work very hard to have their positive characteristics recognized in this situation because every following interaction is seen through the filter of the negative first impression.HaloevalThis is also a common bias that most people have been on either side of; when we like someone, we are more likely to overlook their shortcomings and focus on the positive characteristics.This person is seen with the “halo” of the positive first impression. This is just as problematic as the horns though, because they will potentially get away with completing less work or lower of work. It is important to see the negative with the positive in these cases.2. StandardizeThe best way to get rid of this bias is to let go of first impressions and to be honest about the regularity and severity of issues which arise with different employees.For instance, an employee might be late on 3 different occasions, but this needs more consideration before “sticking the horns” on them.evalFor instance, listen to their reasons before getting angry, they might have genuine reasons involving traffic or childcare, rather than simply poor time management.Also take note of whether they stay later to work; often managers get angry with lateness The halo and horns effect is completely eliminated with Grapevine Evaluationswhile also reducing the time that competing this process would otherwise require.

Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Select the Best Resume Writing Services NJ in Canada

How to Select the Best Resume Writing Services NJ in CanadaThe best resume writing services NJ in Canada offer professional advice and assistance with your job application, resume, and cover letter. With a good resume, you can move up the career ladder, take on more responsibilities, and advance your career all at once. This means that the services you receive from the best resume writing services NJ in Canada will help you get the right job you deserve and move up the career ladder faster.More people are turning to employment law firms to solve their particular employment problems. Employment law firms have the resources, expertise, and financial resources to provide solutions to a wide range of employment-related problems and situations. In addition, you may have a professional mentor who can assist you with drafting your resume and cover letter, or may find a mentor to assist you with the application process.Unemployment is not your only option for seeking employment. A number of other possibilities exist that may work better for you. You might be out of work, perhaps with a layoff, or perhaps you've been fired. While unemployment is not always the best option, there are other options for you.With several of these options available, and with various different reasons why people may be unemployed, it can be confusing. When it comes to deciding which of these options is the best for you, there are many factors to consider. For example, you want to choose the employment opportunity that will be the most beneficial to you, whether that's through monetary benefits or the benefits of having the chance to work from home.Another factor to consider is whether or not this opportunity will give you a unique opportunity to showcase your skills. Maybe you're self-employed, or maybe you're self-employed and working for someone else. Whatever your situation is, you'll want to look at thisopportunity's skills and resources to determine if you'll have the skills to succeed i n this particular area.Perhaps the most important factor to consider when searching for employment is your chances of being hired by the potential employer. Just as in the case of the layoff or dismissal, you will want to know the qualifications of the prospective employer, as well as the employer's hiring practices. You want to know how many applicants apply, what they're being asked to submit in their applications, and what the process is for hiring staff members.Now, there are a number of free resume writing services NJ in Canada to help you with this process. They will offer you advice, resume templates, cover letters, and more. You just need to choose the best resume writing services NJ in Canada to suit your needs and goals. Your credentials, your interests, and your needs should be the primary considerations when selecting a service provider.There are many companies offering these services, but make sure that you have the most appropriate resources and credentials for the job . Additionally, if you are looking for a job to work from home, then you'll need to research the process for getting the work done from home. You want to make sure that your resume writing services NJ in Canada will help you get the job and move up the career ladder.